CHA의과학대 의료홍보미디어

글로벌인턴십 미주리대학교_14학번 김민희편 3탄 본문

H&S 의홍소식/의홍생활 _학기편

글로벌인턴십 미주리대학교_14학번 김민희편 3탄

의료홍보미디어 2016. 11. 19. 21:08

[Missouri university 교환학생 생활기]


수업시간의 과제 중 하나였던 인터뷰 프로젝트. 리드 학생이라면 꼭 거쳐야할(?) 과제인데요.

드디어 그 과제의 마지막 단계였던 PT를 마쳤습니다!

저희 팀의 주제는 바로 Politics. 한국 정치도 잘 모르는 무지한 저에게 정말 어려운 주제였어요.

여전히 어렵고 여전히 잘 모르겠지만, 낯선 사람들과 정치에 대한 이야기를 듣는 다는 것은 정말 재밌고 좋은 경험이었던 것 같아요! 일본인 친구들과 인터뷰 내용에 대해서 상의하는 일 또한 어려웠고 ( 부족한 영어를 사용할 수 밖에 없으니까요 ) 낯선 외국인을 인터뷰하는 일 또한 도전이었습니다! 대부분 지나가는 행인들의 영어는 정말 빠르고..빠릅니다..

다음 학기 리드를 올 학생들에게 자기 나라와 미국의 문화를 좀 더 공부하고 오면 좋을 것 같아요.


인터뷰 프로젝트를 위해, 40여명의 사람을 만나 인터뷰하고 통계를 내보고 정보를 더 찾아 발표를 했습니다

운 좋게도 저의 파트가 Introduction 과 최종 요약인 conclusion 이었기 때문에 이렇게 소개할 수 있게 되었네요!

발표 때 사용했던 제 SCRIPT 입니다!

(가독성을 위해 왼쪽 정렬로 업로드합니다! 줄간격 조정이 에러가 나네요, 이해 부탁드려요ㅠ)



Our interview topic is categorized by a pretzels shape. A pretzel is one braid that is twisted and connected

Election, Health insurance and Education. Those parts are related to each other and they affect each other like a pretzel.

So we decided that we would interview about 3 different things.

Lets get started.


Lets move on to the conclusion.


First, about the Election

Before we interviewed about the election. We had certain opinions about Americans based on Japanese and Korean culture.

In Korea and Japan, people hesitate to voice their opinion about politics.

But, Most Americans share their political opinions freely. We were surprised at that.

Many Japanese and Koreans are affected by their family
s or partners view. But Americans have their own political opinions.  The inequality between American voters ages is much smaller than Korea and Japan, in that they have a similar amount of older and younger people voting.

Second, about Education
Many Americans think that University Education is necessary for getting a job. This is similar with Korea, but in Japan, it is a little different. However, some Americans think that it is not always necessary for getting a job. They said that sometimes University is not essential.

Third, about Health Insurance.
Before we interviewed about Health Insurance, We expected that many Americans don
t feel satisfied with Health insurance. We thought that it's difficult for Americans to go to the hospital when they have something wrong because it is more expensive than other countries. According to our interview results, this was found to be the case("found to be the case" means found to be that way). Most people said they were not satisfied with the current system. Because Medical expenses and prices of medical insurance are too expensive, payment becomes a larger burden. But changing the system is too difficult. In America there are already big hospital industries.

We learned many things about America as we interviewed and prepared this presentation.

Thank you for listening to our presentation. 

미주리대에서 리드 프로그램 진행중인 김민희 학생의 프레젠테이션 관련, 다른 내용들은 4탄에 이어지니

관심있는 학생분들은 꼭! 참고해주시길 바래요!^^

글, 자료 : 의홍 14 김민희
미주리대학교 포스팅 수정 및 편집 : 의홍 14 정지혜

